This exercise was co-created as part of a collaboration day between myself and Paul Goddard and was inspired by Neil Mullarkey Timing: 15 minutes Materials: None Instructions: Arrange the group so one person is at the front of the group with a number of other participants sitting facing him/her The objective is for person 1 to tell a story…with a twist Every now and then…
Balloon Animals
(this exercise was co-created as part of a collaboration day between myself and Geoff Watts) Timings: Unspecified, but allow up to 20-30 mins for balloon making and debrief Materials: Download and print the attached for one or more of the balloon animal shaping instructions. Balloon Twisting Tips The Basic Hat The Balloon Dog The Sword Large bag of coloured modelling balloons, with hand pump People…
Bang For The Buck PrioritizationBang For The Buck PrioritizationBang For The Buck PrioritizationBang For The Buck PrioritizationPriorisation pour optimiser les investissements
Estimate the relative value of the capabilities or stories you’re planning for your scrum sprints with this Instant Play game that does the work of assessing the real Bang for the Buck in your backlog.
Theory of Constraints Dice Game Jogo de Dados da Teoria das RestriçõesTeoría de las Restricciones, juego de dadosТеория Ограничений
The Theory of Constraints Dice Game is an interactive game illustrating the concepts of constraints behind Eli Goldratt’s the GoalEsse jogo interativo ilustra os conceitos de restrições por detrás do livro The Goal de Elli Goldratt. Ese juego interactivo ilustra los conceptos de restriciones por detrás del libro The Goal de Elli Goldratt. Теория ограничений – это интерактивная игра, иллюстрирующая концепцию ограничений Эли Голдратта
99 Test Balllons
99 Test Balloons is an interactive game illustrating the importance of understanding customer needs, acceptance criteria and the value of test.99 Balões de Teste é um jogo interativo que ilustra a importância de se entender as necessidades do cliente, critérios de aceitação e valor do teste.99 Globos de Prueba es un juego interactivo que ilustra la importancia de comprender las necesidades del cliente, los criterios de aceptación y el valor de las pruebas.99 Тестовых Шариков – это интерактивная игра, иллюстрирующая важность понимания потребностей клиентов, критериев и значения приемочного тестирования.