User Stories vs Requirements

Nov 2017: Sorry for the broken links…when Dropbox nuked their public folder support, this link went with it! It’s fixed! Disclaimer: I learned this exercise from Sarah Klarich, I don’t know where she learned it from (Teresa Carlisle according to the document author?) but it’s extremely effective at communicating why User Stories work better than requirements! Hint, it’s NOT about the User Story! Materials Needed…

99 Ballons de test

English version available here : This post only contains french version. Durée : 30 min Matériel pour chaque équipe : 20-30 ballons par équipe du papier des règles des ciseaux des marqueurs Instructions : Commencez par montrer aux équipes un ballon que vous souhaitez créer (ou dessinez-en un). Le ballon a un visage constitué de deux yeux ronds, un nez triangulaire, et d’une bouche en demi-cercle. Sans…


I was introduced to this technique by Xavier Quesada Allue who told me he learned it from Tobias Mayer. A reference to this can also be found in Jean Tabaka’s book: Collaboration Explained (p207) entitled “Pass The Cards” Timing: 10-15 minutes Materials: A minimum of 8 people, and an even number of people Anything that you want to prioritise, written on separate cards One card…

Story Spines

Simon Bennett generously introduced us to this game during the Scrum Trainers Retreat in Amsterdam in 2010. It is a common improv game Timing: 15 minutes Materials: 6 Chairs Pre-prepared index cards with story element structures (See below) Instructions: Preparation Set out 6 chairs in a row from left to right On chair 1 place an index card with the following words: “Once upon a…