I was introduced to this technique by Xavier Quesada Allue who told me he learned it from Tobias Mayer. A reference to this can also be found in Jean Tabaka’s book: Collaboration Explained (p207) entitled “Pass The Cards”
10-15 minutes
A minimum of 8 people, and an even number of people
Anything that you want to prioritise, written on separate cards
One card and one pen per person
This exercise only works with an even number of people and has a total of seven rounds
Give everybody a card with a Product Backlog item on it and a pen
In each round everyone finds someone to pair up with and they discuss the two cards they have in front of them:
- As a pair, you have 5 points that can be allocated between the two cards based on the relative importance of the two cards
- No half numbers are allowed so the points must be split 5:0 or 4:1 or 3:2
- It is not about each person trying to convince the other that their card is more important than their partners card
- The two people must agree on the scoring split
- Once the scoring split has been agreed, the pair swap cards with each other and hold their hands up to indicate they have finished the round
- Once everyone has finished with the round, the facilitator indicates the start of the next round where different pairings will take place, repeating the above process
- A total of seven rounds are run and then the total of the 7 scores on the card are totalled up.
- The cards are then laid out in order with the highest scoring cards at one end and the lower scoring cards at the other
Learning Points:
- It is easier to prioritise when only comparing two items
- It is a quick way to prioritise
- It is a democratic, inclusive process
- If you have stakeholders who are attached to lobbying for one particular feature, this literally requires them to give it away to someone else
- Try more rounds to decrease the likelihood of spurious results and cards with the same total score
- Try a bigger scoring range to increase the spread and reduce the impact of people unwilling to use the extremes i.e. 9 points instead of 5. While you may still not get many 9:0’s you may get more 7:2’s
Certified Scrum Coach and CST in the UK and really interested in learning through play
A point of interest, @tobiasmayer is right (and i so appreciate you Tobias for accrediting this to the master: Thiagi). Thiagi is /the/ world’s master in games and simulation:
[years ago (1994!) this was part of a pilot framegames training].
Thiagi has it published it on his website, you can see it in the archive: http://thiagi.net/archive/www/pfp/IE4H/march2008.html#Framegame and an express version is here: http://thiagi.net/archive/www/pfp/IE4H/may2008.html#StructuredSharing
like all of his framegames, there is so many content adaptions you can do w this lovely, enliving framegame.
Great idea Sabine
I use this game to prioritize the 12 agile principles. In addition to learning about prioritization it also makes the players familiar with the principles.
Kind regards
I case anyone is interested…
apparently the game originated here: http://www.thiagi.com/
Thanks for the extra information guys – I really appreciate it.
I played this game several times, and also with an odd number of people. In case of an odd number of people, there’s always 1 group of 3 people. I ask them to distribute 10 points (instead of 7) over the 3 cards. (I play Tobias’ version with 5 rounds and dividing 7 points each round.)
Thanks for the credit. I actually learned this game from Matt Smith (http://matt-smith.net/) who used it to set the vision for the Scrum Exchange event in 2006. The form I learned was for setting a vison statement for an event:
1. Each person writes down their ideal learning outcome.
2. Swap cards as described
3. Score out of 7 points (7-0, 6-1, 5-2, 4-3)
4. Swap five times.
5. The top two or three cards are then merged/combined to form a vision for the group, which is written up big and acts as the focus for the rest of the event—unless reconceived later (which may happen).
I like the variation of using this to prioritize backlog items—sounds like Xavier did a “yes-and” on the game 🙂