Mindset Matching This game is designed to introduce and/or reinforce the three types of mindsets: Fixed, Growth, and Benefit. Learn about mindset science and how it is critical to transformations in this blog post. The game’s Built-in List includes two categories of playing cards: Paradigm and Scenario. The Paradigm cards represent the outlook a person with a specific mindset may have on multiple aspects of life.…
Flipping Agile Pizza
An online mashup of Ralf Kruse’s Kanban pizza and the penny flip game. The initial version was distributed to my network and I have seen at least one variation. This is the MVP version, which has been improved and can be run as a 45-60 minute workshop. MVP instructions How to run it: Imagine you’re a chef. In front of you is a table and…
Decoration Kanban
Decoration Kanban is a game that can be played with a team to demonstrate key principles and practices of Lean. It is another variant on Jeff Patton’s Paper Aeroplane game, but with a greater focus on timing metrics to seek out areas of improvement. Great for teams wanting to put theory into practice.
The kanban silly tasks gameEl juego de tareas ridículos de kanban
In this game, you will learn and experience the lean principles and the use of the kanban board. You will experience the problems with delayed tasks and long feedback loops, frequent task switching, the possibilities of reducing different types of waste, WIP limits, and the pull principle. Timing: Expected time to run game including prep and debrief 1 hour…
Kanban Pizza Game
The interactive Kanban Pizza Game demonstrates how a Kanban System works. While common Kanban games usually focus only on the flow of an existing Kanban system, our new Kanban Pizza Game goes beyond that, demonstrating the path from an existing process to Kanban. Learning by doing and having fun at the same time – that‘s what our Kanban Pizza Game is all about. The interactive Kanban Pizza Game demonstrates how a Kanban System works. While common Kanban games usually focus only on the flow of an existing Kanban system, our new Kanban Pizza Game goes beyond that, demonstrating the path from an existing process to Kanban. Learning by doing and having fun at the same time – that‘s what our Kanban Pizza Game is all about. The interactive Kanban Pizza Game demonstrates how a Kanban System works. While common Kanban games usually focus only on the flow of an existing Kanban system, our new Kanban Pizza Game goes beyond that, demonstrating the path from an existing process to Kanban. Learning by doing and having fun at the same time – that‘s what our Kanban Pizza Game is all about. The interactive Kanban Pizza Game demonstrates how a Kanban System works. While common Kanban games usually focus only on the flow of an existing Kanban system, our new Kanban Pizza Game goes beyond that, demonstrating the path from an existing process to Kanban. Learning by doing and having fun at the same time – that‘s what our Kanban Pizza Game is all about. The interactive Kanban Pizza Game demonstrates how a Kanban System works. While common Kanban games usually focus only on the flow of an existing Kanban system, our new Kanban Pizza Game goes beyond that, demonstrating the path from an existing process to Kanban. Learning by doing and having fun at the same time – that‘s what our Kanban Pizza Game is all about.