Note: The post was first published on Medium here by Sunish Chabba and has been reproduced here as-is. As an Agile Coach and Consultant, I’ve often grappled with the challenge of maintaining a vibrant, creative atmosphere during workshops and strategy sessions. My love for board games and escape rooms inspired me to design my own escape room game, with a focus on fostering collaboration and…
The Being Agile Canvas Template
The Agile Canvas – agile sprint planning template Get started with Agile using the simple sprint planning Being Agile canvas Introduce others to Agile methods. The agile canvas is a simple template to help bring an agile angle to your work and life. Download your copy of the canvas and a free video course to help you apply agile The canvas is a great way…
Estimation Game – Cup of Tea
Play this estimation game with your team at the start of your next planning session. Get everyone to estimate making a cup of tea and then ask them the where, who, what questions. Recognise the similarities and differences, what assumptions did you make? Consider how this might apply to your own scenario and the estimations you are about to make, or review. Use it to…
Retrospective Sailing
Retrospective Sailing Short Guide 1. Draw Boat2. Name your boat/ agree topic3. Mission?4. Add Sails – well?5. Add Anchors – better?6. Scale Sails 1 to 107. Scale Anchors -1 to -108. +1 actions to raise sails/anchors9. Agree actions to take forward More information and guidance
Drowning in Dependencies? Try a new Dependency Game!
Find a golden path to delivering maximum business value by benefiting from collaboration vs. getting stuck in dependencies. This new game will help your organization learn the dynamic and importance of dependency management in a fun and impactful way!