Note: The post was first published on Medium here by Sunish Chabba and has been reproduced here as-is. As an Agile Coach and Consultant, I’ve often grappled with the challenge of maintaining a vibrant, creative atmosphere during workshops and strategy sessions. My love for board games and escape rooms inspired me to design my own escape room game, with a focus on fostering collaboration and…
Estimation Game – Cup of Tea
Play this estimation game with your team at the start of your next planning session. Get everyone to estimate making a cup of tea and then ask them the where, who, what questions. Recognise the similarities and differences, what assumptions did you make? Consider how this might apply to your own scenario and the estimations you are about to make, or review. Use it to…
Dependency jigsaw game
A warm-up game that test self-organisation and helps to get people thinking about a particular topic This is a warm-up activity designed to help demonstrate the challenge of managing dependencies, whilst allowing team members to meet each other. It’s also a test of self-organisation so be prepared for a little bit of chaos…. When to use: To get people talking to each other who haven’t met…
The Spark Engine
This game acts as an icebreaker taking people outside their comfort zone in an easy, safe way. It sparks the creative juices of team members, warming up the creative side of their brains and fostering an environment where it is ok to share ideas even if not perfect.
Human Knot
A physical-participation disentanglement puzzle that helps a group learn how to work together (self-organize) and can be used to illustrate the difference between self-organization and command-control management or simply as a get-to-know-you icebreaker.