A simple, interactive, and collaborative game to experience at a high-level the ceremonies and common practices of Scrum through simulating a sprint. This game has been used as one part of a longer session focused on learning about Scrum. Prior to playing this game, the team has read the Scrum Guide, been given an overview of Scrum methodology, and has been exposed through various other…
Scrum Events Cycle
Timing: 15 minutes for short version (steps 1-4), or 25 minutes (steps 1-6). Materials: Per team/group: Printed handout, scissors, marker pen, flip chart poster or whiteboard area. Scrum Events Cycle Handout Instructions: I’ve mainly used this as a Connect (4C from Back of the room) exercise, but it has also served to deepen understanding. It usually takes a group of four participants 10 minutes (or less)…
Map FlapMexendo no MapaMap Flap
Map Flap is an excellent exercise to begin a Lean Value Stream mapping initiative. It highlights the need for understanding the value stream and the often disparate perspectives people bring to this mapping exercise. Mexendo no Mapa é um exercício excelente para começar uma iniciativa de mapeamento do fluxo de valor (Value Stream Mapping), pois mostra a problemas de como fazê-lo advindo das perspectivas diferentes.Map Flap is an excellent exercise to begin a Lean Value Stream mapping initiative. It highlights the need for understanding the value stream and the often disparate perspectives people bring to this mapping exercise.
The Story of Our SprintsA História de Nossos SprintsLas Historias de nuestros SprintsИстория Наших Спринтов
The Story of Our Sprints is a a facilitation technique for improving the value of Sprint reviews or iteration Lessons Learned.The Story of Our Sprints is a a facilitation technique for improving the value of Sprint reviews or iteration Lessons Learned.The Story of Our Sprints is a a facilitation technique for improving the value of Sprint reviews or iteration Lessons Learned.Игра “История Наших Спринтов” позволяет повысить эффективность проведения ретроспективы или подведения итогов итерации.
Process DoodleRabisco de ProcessoGarabato de ProcesoЗарисовки о Процессе
Process Doodle is a group activity that to facilitate discussion about how to improve processes and work practices.Process Doodle is a group activity that to facilitate discussion about how to improve processes and work practices.Process Doodle is a group activity that to facilitate discussion about how to improve processes and work practices.“Зарисовки о Процессе” – это групповая интерактивная игра, направленная на повышение эффективности дискуссии о том, как улучшить процессы и методы работы в организации.