Die Card Die - The Interruption Game

Die Card Die – The Interruption Game

Die Card Die – An Interruption Game is a card and dice game for teaching the impact of interruptions on iterations. This game was created as part of the “Agile Game Incubator” session at Agile 2012.   Created By: Todd Charron, Richard Cheng, Cynthia Eng-Dinsel, Sophie Manton, Stacy McDonald, Judith Mills, J Paul Daigle, and David Parker. Timing: About an hour Materials: 1 deck of…

Kanban Tetris

Timing: About 2-3 hours Materials: – General A noise maker (bell, horn, whistle) to start/end iterations. Tape to fix down the ‘Inventory Stores’ Stop watch or other timing device Materials: – Each Team A table that can seat 4 people comfortably Sticky Note pad– back torn off, so sticky-side is up. 4×4 Quad ruled paper – 4 or 5 sheets Four sharpies / thick pens 4 sheets…

Lean Startup SnowflakesLean Startup – Les flocons de neige

Timing: 60 minutes (can be extended to 90 minutes by running more iterations). Setup/explanation takes 10 minutes; we’ll run 4-5 iterations of [3-minutes of execution, 3-4 minutes debrief, and 3 minutes of planning]. Materials: Pretend money (unit bills [euro/dollar], approx 100 units); ream of paper; 2 pairs of scissors for every 4 participants; audible timer; markers and flipchart for each table or dry erase board;…

Map FlapMexendo no MapaMap Flap

Map Flap is an excellent exercise to begin a Lean Value Stream mapping initiative. It highlights the need for understanding the value stream and the often disparate perspectives people bring to this mapping exercise. Mexendo no Mapa é um exercício excelente para começar uma iniciativa de mapeamento do fluxo de valor (Value Stream Mapping), pois mostra a problemas de como fazê-lo advindo das perspectivas diferentes.Map Flap is an excellent exercise to begin a Lean Value Stream mapping initiative. It highlights the need for understanding the value stream and the often disparate perspectives people bring to this mapping exercise.

Theory of Constraints Dice Game Jogo de Dados da Teoria das RestriçõesTeoría de las Restricciones, juego de dadosТеория Ограничений

The Theory of Constraints Dice Game is an interactive game illustrating the concepts of constraints behind Eli Goldratt’s the GoalEsse jogo interativo ilustra os conceitos de restrições por detrás do livro The Goal de Elli Goldratt. Ese juego interactivo ilustra los conceptos de restriciones por detrás del libro The Goal de Elli Goldratt. Теория ограничений – это интерактивная игра, иллюстрирующая концепцию ограничений Эли Голдратта