
Scott Sehlhorst, President of Tyner Blain LLC, developed this graph to improve product development by understanding which stakeholders are impacted most by your product. Timing: 1 hour Ingredients: Online access A product Players (5..8 recommended): Product Manager / Product Owner Development Team Directions: Clicking on this image will start an “instant play” game at; simply email the game link to your team to invite…

Kanban Tetris

Timing: About 2-3 hours Materials: – General A noise maker (bell, horn, whistle) to start/end iterations. Tape to fix down the ‘Inventory Stores’ Stop watch or other timing device Materials: – Each Team A table that can seat 4 people comfortably Sticky Note pad– back torn off, so sticky-side is up. 4×4 Quad ruled paper – 4 or 5 sheets Four sharpies / thick pens 4 sheets…

Innovation Ambition MatrixMatrice des ambitions pour l’innovation

Innovation Ambition Matrix was inspired by the May 2012 Harvard Business Review article, “Managing Your Innovation Portfolio,”  written by Monitor’s revolutionary co-partners: Bansi Nagji and Geoff Tuff. Timing: 1 hour Ingredients: Online access Players (5..8 recommended): Product Manager / Product Owner Development Team Directions: Play Innovation Ambition Matrix to clarify the ambition of a project, develop a cohesive operation rather than a scattering of competing…

Lean Startup SnowflakesLean Startup – Les flocons de neige

Timing: 60 minutes (can be extended to 90 minutes by running more iterations). Setup/explanation takes 10 minutes; we’ll run 4-5 iterations of [3-minutes of execution, 3-4 minutes debrief, and 3 minutes of planning]. Materials: Pretend money (unit bills [euro/dollar], approx 100 units); ream of paper; 2 pairs of scissors for every 4 participants; audible timer; markers and flipchart for each table or dry erase board;…

Is it Ragu or Bolognese?

Common Understanding for User Stories So a while back I was having seeing a team have different interpretations of user  stories causing some confusion. Differing interpretations of the feature caused a little backtracking and introduced waste into the sprints.. nothing awful, just not ideal. I came up with a very simple exercise to help the team understand that we can too easily make assumptions that…