The White Elephant Sizing game is a quick, easy, and playful way to categorize user stories in an agile project based on relative size.The Sizing Game is a quick, easy, and playful way to categorize user stories in an agile project based on relative size.The Sizing Game is a quick, easy, and playful way to categorize user stories in an agile project based on relative size.
Process DoodleRabisco de ProcessoGarabato de ProcesoЗарисовки о Процессе
Process Doodle is a group activity that to facilitate discussion about how to improve processes and work practices.Process Doodle is a group activity that to facilitate discussion about how to improve processes and work practices.Process Doodle is a group activity that to facilitate discussion about how to improve processes and work practices.“Зарисовки о Процессе” – это групповая интерактивная игра, направленная на повышение эффективности дискуссии о том, как улучшить процессы и методы работы в организации.
Planning PokerPlanning PokerPlanning PokerПокер Планирования
Planning Poker is an interactive technique to efficiently derive developer estimates without influencing individual estimatorsPlanning Poker is an interactive technique to efficiently derive developer estimates without influencing individual estimatorsPlanning Poker is an interactive technique to efficiently derive developer estimates without influencing individual estimators“Покер Планирования” – это интерактивный метод эффективно получать оценки разработчиков, не влияя на мнение каждого из оценивающих.
Word at a Time LetterWord at a Time LetterWord at a Time LetterПисьмо по Одному Слову
Word at a Time Letter is an Interactive game focussing on dealing with the uncertainty of planning on the horizon, rolling wave and progressive elaboration.Word at a Time Letter is an Interactive game focussing on dealing with the uncertainty of planning on the horizon, rolling wave and progressive elaboration.Word at a Time Letter is an Interactive game focussing on dealing with the uncertainty of planning on the horizon, rolling wave and progressive elaboration.“Письмо по Одному Слову” – это интерактивная игра с акцентом на работе с неопределенностью и поэтапном планировании.
Alaskan Road TripViagem de Carro até o AlaskaViaje por Carretera hacia AlaskaПоездка на Аляску
Alaskan Road Trip is an Interactive game that illustrates the concept of planning on the horizon, rolling wave planning and progressive elaborationEsse é um jogo interativo que ilustra o conceito de planejamento até o horizonte, rolling wave planning e elaboração progressiva.Este es un juego interactivo que ilustra el concepto de planificación hacia en horizonte, rolling wave planning y elaboracion progressiva.Поездка на Аляску – это интерактивная игра, которая иллюстрирует концепцию горизонта планирования, последовательной разработки и планирования методом набегающей волны.