Idea for a quick energizer, especially for remote/video meetings, when everyone’s in their own workroom. We all know that a good balance between personal life and work is healthy. So what do you have in your personal workplace that gives you energy? What keeps you going? A picture maybe? An object tied to your hobby? Show it in front of the camera and tell the…

Change Curves Energizer
An introduction for a retrospective or workshop, this intro seeks to get individuals to mark on a change curve model where they are, talk about it and then where they would like to be. Goals The team understands where each other are on the change journey Get the team energized to talk for the next part of the session, generating ideas Get a different conversation…
May The 4th (Force) Be With You Retrospective
This is an entire retrospective based on Star Wars May the 4th (force be with you). It includes Goal, Focus, Check-In, Energizer, Gather Info, Analyze, and Create Action Items, and Close-Out. It also includes a special snack section and is a creative and productive way for the team to incorporate their thoughts about the last sprint, team building, and even their knowledge about Agile and Scrum into a fun holiday of sorts.This is an entire retrospective based on Star Wars May the 4th (force be with you). It includes Goal, Focus, Check-In, Energizer, Gather Info, Analyze, and Create Action Items, and Close-Out. It also includes a special snack section and is a creative and productive way for the team to incorporate their thoughts about the last sprint, team building, and even their knowledge about Agile and Scrum into a fun holiday of sorts.This is an entire retrospective based on Star Wars May the 4th (force be with you). It includes Goal, Focus, Check-In, Energizer, Gather Info, Analyze, and Create Action Items, and Close-Out. It also includes a special snack section and is a creative and productive way for the team to incorporate their thoughts about the last sprint, team building, and even their knowledge about Agile and Scrum into a fun holiday of sorts.This is an entire retrospective based on Star Wars May the 4th (force be with you). It includes Goal, Focus, Check-In, Energizer, Gather Info, Analyze, and Create Action Items, and Close-Out. It also includes a special snack section and is a creative and productive way for the team to incorporate their thoughts about the last sprint, team building, and even their knowledge about Agile and Scrum into a fun holiday of sorts.This is an entire retrospective based on Star Wars May the 4th (force be with you). It includes Goal, Focus, Check-In, Energizer, Gather Info, Analyze, and Create Action Items, and Close-Out. It also includes a special snack section and is a creative and productive way for the team to incorporate their thoughts about the last sprint, team building, and even their knowledge about Agile and Scrum into a fun holiday of sorts.
Line up
This is a simple and quick game that can be used as an energizer and get to know each other a little bit. It also gives you hooks to talk about acceptance criteria, self-organizing teams and process improvements