If you have a team who needs to learn about risk management and conducting risk assessments, they will have some fun with this game.
The Domino EffectThe Domino EffectThe Domino EffectThe Domino EffectThe Domino Effect
Demonstrate the effect unrealistic timelines has on team dynamics with this fun domino stacking game.
Coaching Skills Dojo
Learning Objective: Participants practices three fundamental coaching skills: observing, listening and questioning. When to use this game: Play this game to become improve interpersonal coaching and communication skills. Time: 90 minutes Description: First partcipants are formed into small groups. Each group brainstorms what they think is important about the three skills and share with the large group. Everyone picks a real world problem to work on. The each triad…
Sustaining Agility
Learning Objective: Participants experience the attraction of short-term thinking and feel the long-term consequences. When to use this game: Play this game to understand the importance of investment in sustainable development practices. Time: 90-110 minutes Description: Have you been on a software project where each release gets harder and harder? Many projects fall into the tarpit of the Design Dead Core. Why do nearly all software…