Kitchen PrioritizationKitchen Prioritization

The goal of this game is to understand how important it is to have choice criterias during prioritization and make them explicit. This game will talk about relative prioritization, implicit criterias, personal criterias, implicit expectations Le but de ce jeu est de démontrer à quel point il est important d’avoir des critères de choix durant une phase de priorisation et de les rendre explicites. Ce…

Let’s Take a Journey Retrospective

Timing: 1 Hour Materials: Journey Line template and a white board. Instructions: Select a Time Frame to cover (for this particular retrospective it’s better suited to cover longer periods of time: past release, last few iterations, etc,). Individual Reflection. Have individuals draw their journey line over the given timeframe on the template provided, annotating highs and lows (Demonstrate on Whiteboard). 5-10 minutes. Pair Share. Have each member…

The league of extraordinarily shortsighted agile superleaders retrospective

Excerpt We are servant-leaders. We are change agents. We lead by example. We move people. We put them first. We are superleaders. Our superpowers toolbox is full, but those powers don’t come for free. Everyone of them has a flip side. Every hero has a unique weakness. Be wary, one cannot use the pros without getting the cons. Here is the league of extraordinarily shortsighted…

The kanban silly tasks gameEl juego de tareas ridículos de kanban

              In this game, you will learn and experience the lean principles and the use of the kanban board. You will experience the problems with delayed tasks and long feedback loops, frequent task switching, the possibilities of reducing different types of waste, WIP limits, and the pull principle. Timing: Expected time to run game including prep and debrief 1 hour…

Scrum Events Cycle

Timing: 15 minutes for short version (steps 1-4), or 25 minutes (steps 1-6). Materials:  Per team/group: Printed handout, scissors, marker pen, flip chart poster or whiteboard area. Scrum Events Cycle Handout Instructions: I’ve mainly used this as a Connect (4C from Back of the room) exercise, but it has also served to deepen understanding. It usually takes a group of four participants 10 minutes (or less)…