My second favorite Retro I invented…only second to Retro Catz! Instructions: Present the following categories to your Team to to see if any of them align with aspects of the Sprint just concluded.
Retro Cats!
My favorite Retrospective that I have invented to date. Backstory: I had a team that was obsessed with Cats (well…most of them…hence the need to create a follow-up Retro involving Dogs). While trolling for the best cat memes on the internet, I learned that some of my favorite cat pics resembled some of the most important basic human emotions. Try this fun Retro to see…
What you think is what you get (WYTIWYG)
A mindfulness exercise that helps us to take the stance of not-knowing and to recognize how quickly we let ourselves be guided by our first impression. With this bias we often miss the chance to explore alternatives and thus leave even much better solutions uncovered.

The shaky, motivational tower of Babel
A short, insightful game to review motivational effects and their impact onto us. I use this game within my “Ikigai” presentation. In there I talk about motivation, the 4 areas of intrinsic motivation and how to foster the thinking about that topic. The coin Sort Game or tower of Babel -as some call it- is inspired by the facilitation mechanics of the name game by…

Agile Mindset Test – Agile Thinking Game
This is a great agile thinking exercise to really help you to understand and raise your awareness of an agile mindset. I play this game in my training, and I have played it numerous times over the past 10 years. I’ve played it as a variation of the game I have Never too at conferences with over 300 people, always everyone ends up standing up,…