To welcome new members into a group and continue to build relationships with existing members. It could be used as an ongoing team builder or once as an icebreaker with useful artifacts as an output.
- Things to write on e.g. paper, index cards, etc
- Things to write with e.g. pen, pencil, marker, etc
- Post-it notes
- Tape or repositionable glue (recommended)
At the beginning, everyone gets something to write with and something to write on e.g. a sheet of paper, index card, etc. They then are given several minutes to create a sketch of themselves and to write down a true fact about themselves on a post-it note. Once everyone has sketched themselves and written their facts, they hand the sketches and facts to a facilitator who presents the sketches to the group and leads the group to match fact with face until all members are forced to face facts (*groan*). I have generally used tape or repositionable glue to adhere sketches to a wall in full view of the group.
That’s really it.
Alternate techniques:
- Small groups might write 2-3 facts about themselves instead of just one
- Members of groups who have already sketched themselves still submit facts but are represented by a sticky note with their name on it
- The facilitator might use a guessing time limit to encourage “cold” groups to start throwing out guesses more readily
- The facilitator might submit a red herring fact or two to add an element of humor or excitement if needed.