Judgement Juggler

** Updated  with links to better quality DoD images ** Name: Judgement Juggler.  Summary: An agility learning ball game, built on The Penny Game, that introduces estimates based on defects and dependencies to more closely simulate software development in an enterprise environment. Learning Points: Estimate taking into consideration defects and dependencies (both internal and external). Additional learning of work in progress limits, intra- and inter-…

Scrum Values & Roles Card Game

Timing: 20-35 minutes Overview:This gamified learning activity is the first product from my MSc dissertation at the University of Liverpool. It is a card game to teach Scrum values and roles. There are four categories of cards: roles, responsibilities, values, behaviors. The objective of the game is to distribute the responsibilities cards below the roles cards and distribute the behaviors cards below the values cards.…

The Agile Mindset Workshop

Total time: 45-60 minutes Purpose The purpose of the game is for everybody to participate and share their opinions, thoughts, feelings, ideas and practical use of the agile manifesto and its principles. They will be doing this by playing a matching game. Benefits For the team: After facilitating this workshop I observed teams checking their actions and values against the manifesto. They had a constant reminder in a single glance at the wall. For instance,…

First Things First?

A team plots their current and future work on the time management matrix outlined in Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  This visual and tactile exercise can help a team really get to the bottom of what’s most important; and if they’re spending time and energy on things that aren’t that important.  It promotes alignment between team members and leadership (i.e., Product…