share personal stories of your leadership experiences, inspire your team and help each other to move closer together
Exercise Goal
exchange experiences, reflect, give and receive feedback, and train acts of leadership
How many players?
6 – 20 people, e.g. Agile team, leadership team, leadership training group.
1 – 2 hours
Material & Preparation
Act-of-Leadersheep-Cards Get your card deck (*soon to come*) or write your own cards, e.g.
Have pens and sticky notes for all players.
Game Goal
to bring the circle as close together as possible (and comfortable)
How to play?
All participants sit in a large circle.
A volunteer dares to stand up, draws an Leadersheep-Challenge-Card and shares a story how they showed an according act of leadership in the past.
[Timekeeping by facilitator or self organized: approximately 30 seconds of thinking, 90 seconds of sharing]
Others reflect about the story and the impact on their thoughts and insights about leadership. They are invited to sketch and write a Leadersheep-Appreciation-Card. Taking turns, they step up to the voluntary speaker and give appreciative feedback while handing over the card.
Group is asked if this example helped them progress as a team and (non-verbally) decides on moving their seats accordingly towards the middle of their circle.
Next volunteer draws a Leadersheep-Challenge-Card.
Thank you for bringing in ideas, playful times and valuable feedback:
Pete Rössler, Glen Waters, Ellen Grove, Olaf Bublitz, Wael, Sascha, Thorsten Glöckner, Silvana Wasitova, Dov, Stephan, … and all participants at Play4Agile22!
Christian Methfessel
Anja Stiedl
Anja Stiedl is a experienced Agile Trainer and Enterprise Agile Coach with expertise in individual, group, and professional coaching and development. She brings in her long term experience in facilitating major organizational transformation change.
Anja enjoys coaching organization leaders and teams on how to address and navigate through the growing challenges of today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world by understanding, living and using Lean and Agile concepts and practices. In the role of an Agile Coach and Trainer, she has helped senior leaders to find alignment, gain clarity, develop the skills & the ability to strategize for the future in order to succeed in leading a their organization through the transformation, and teams to optimize their collaboration and processes to deliver customer value.
Anja is a Scrum Alliance Certified Team Coach (CTC) since 2018 and a Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC) since 2020. As a Path-to-CSP-Educator she offers mentoring-programs since 2019 and serves the CTC-review-team since 2020.
Anja’s mission is to enable the change that you need.
For any questions please contact her at | fon: +49 8251 88 54 67