Timing: simulation solely 10-20 minutes, as a part of the training 0,5 to 1 day.
Material: computer or tablet with internet access. The game is available on agilegame.octigo.pl
Instruction: Just click the link given above, and follow introduction. When you ready, switch to the second step and start playing (it is your first approach). When you finished, read summary and good practices, and then play again, by moving to next step. After accomplishing both approaches you can read summary and compare your results. You can also submit your name to ranking or comment the simulation.
The Kanban simulation was developed by me. If you want to see our other simulations and trainings, just click: https://octigo.pl
Learning points: the simulation demonstrates task board in practice. It puts the user into role of a manager of a small team. Their goals it to deliver tasks as fast as possible. It shows several agile reports: velocity, burndown, burnup, cummulative flow diagram. Impact of mutlitasking, crashing, different priorities, risks on team’s preformance are also presented.
Link to game: http://agilegame.octigo.pl