This exercise was co-created as part of a collaboration day between myself and Paul Goddard
60 minutes
A lot of Lego
(Optional) A Digital Camera and Photo printer
Ask the group to come up with:
- a person from history,
- a colour and
- an object.
Construct a title out of these e.g. The story of Napoleon and the yellow pillow
Set the challenge:
- To create a storyboard of this story by building scenes made from Lego.
- There will be 3 sprints of 12 minutes (2m plan, 7m build & 3m review)
- Each sprint must contain a start and end of the story and be in line with the vision (title)
- Each scene must contain some action
If there are multiple teams playing:
- At the end of Sprint one ask each team to think of a location and then gave Team 1’s location to Team 2 and so on. This location must then be incorporated into their story.
- At the end of Sprint two, ask them to think of a leisure activity or a secondary character which will then be given to another team
If only one team is playing, throw in a location or character etc yourself
Learning Points:
- How a vision + self-organisation can create a successful product
- Refactoring is necessary (and a good thing)
- Getting something done (vertical slice) each sprint (start and finish)
- Do something simple first then embellish
- How self-organising teams can be very creative
- Teams must be able to accommodate change while maintaining a consistent theme
- Seeing results at the end of the sprint is useful and motivational
- There should be a sense of pride about what they create
- Expand the “definition of done” to include a photograph of each scene
- Incorporate feedback from “stakeholders” (the other teams) into the planning of the next Sprint
Certified Scrum Coach and CST in the UK and really interested in learning through play
Hey this is very interesting. I will be applying this exercise on a creativity workshop. Thank you for sharing.
Jesus Salas