Timing: 10 mins



One at a time, show each of the following dog names and have participants vote by showing an estimate card:

  • Chihuahua – this is the smallest dog and should be the reference estimate. Others should be sized relative to it.
  • Great Dane – estimates should be very large
  • Golden Retriever – estimates should be medium or large
  • Poodle – participants should ask for more information, e.g., is it a standard poodle or a toy poodle?
  • Newfoundland – this is a lesser known dog; those who don’t know what it is should not vote and should instead ask questions
  • Austrian Guildenbaur – this is a trick; the dog does not exist, so no estimates should be given

Learning Points:

  • This exercise should get participants familiar with using the planning cards.
  • Estimators should not be influenced by others.
  • Topics are sized relative to each other, using Nebulous Units of Time.
  • People should not vote on topics that are not understood. They should ask for clarification or if it is not in their domain, they should abstain.

Posted by Don McGreal

Tempo: 10 mins

Um por vez, mostre cada um dos seguintes nomes de cachorros e faça os participantes votarem mostrando um cartão de planning poker:

  • Chihuahua – esse é o menor cachorro e deve ser uma referência para as estimativas. Os outros tamanhos devem ser relativos a esse.
  • Cão Dinamarquês – as estimativas devem ser bem grandes.
  • Golden Retriever – estimativas devem ser médias ou grandes.
  • Poodle – os participantes devem perguntar por mais informação, por exemplo, é um poodle padrão ou um poodle toy?
  • Newfoundland – esse cachorro é menos conhecido; aqueles que não sabem o conhecem não devem votar, ao invés disso, fazer perguntas.
  • Guildenbaur austríaco – é um truque; esse cachorro não existe, então nenhuma estimativa deve ser dada.

Pontos de apredizado:

  • Esse exercício deixa os participantes familiares com o uso de cartas de planejamento.
  • Os estimadores não devem ser influenciados por outros.
  • Os cachorros são dimensionados relativos um ao outro, usando Unidades de Tempo Nebulosas.
  • As pessoas não devem votar em tópicos que não estão entendidos. Elas devem perguntar por clarificação ou, se não estiver no seu domínio, devem se abster.

Duración: 10 minutos


Uno a la vez, muestre a los participantes cada uno de los siguientes nombres de razas de perro, de forma que cada uno vote mostrando una carta de estimación:

  • Chihuahua – es la raza de perros más pequeños y debe servir como referencia para la estimación. Las restantes razas deben ser estimadas de forma relativa a esta
  • Gran danés – las estimaciones deben ser grandes
  • Golden Retriever – las estimaciones deben ser medianas o grandes
  • Caniche – los participantes deberían pedir más información. Ej: es un caniche estándar o un caniche toy?
  • Terranova – es una raza no tan conocida; aquellos que no la conocen no deberían votar y deberían en su lugar realizar preguntas al respecto
  • Guildenbaur austríaco – esta es tramposa ya que esta raza no existe. Los participantes no deberían realizar estimaciones

Puntos de aprendizaje:

  • Este ejercicio sirve para familiarizar a los participantes con el uso de cartas de estimación
  • Quienes estiman no deberían ser influenciados por otros
  • Los ítems son estimados de forma relativa unos con otros, usando NUTs (Nebulous Units of Time)
  • Los participantes no deberían estimar aquellos ítems que no conocen. Deberían pedir clarificación o en el caso que no comprendan aquello que estiman, deberían abstenerse de hacerlo

Время: 10 минут



Поочередно называйте породу собаки игрокам и дайте им проголосовать, показывая карту с оценкой:

  • Чихуахуа – это самая маленькая собака, она должна стать базовой оценокой. Другие собаки должны быть оценены по отношению к ней.
  • Датский дог – оценки должны быть очень большими
  • Золотистый ретривер – оценки должны быть средними или большими
  • Пудель – участники должны задавать дополнительные вопросы, например это обычный пудель или карликовый?
  • Ньюфаундленд – это менее известная порода собак; те, кто не знает что это за порода не должны голосовать, вместо этого они должны задавать вопросы
  • Австрийский гильденбор – это уловка; такой породы не существует, поэтому никто не должен давать оценки


  • Это упражнение должно познакомить участников с использованием карт для planning poker.
  • Мнения других участников не должны влиять на мнение оценивающего.
  • Темы оцениваются относительно друг друга, используя неопределенные единицы времени (Nebulous Units of Time).
  • Люди не должны голосовать по темам, которые пока не понятны. Они должны попросить разъяснений или воздержаться, если не являются компетентными в этой области.

Опубликовано Don McGreal
Перевод Gleb Rybalko

9 thoughts on “Doggy PlanningPlanejamento CaninoPlanificación CaninaПланирование по-собачьи

  1. And here is the french version :

    Timing: 10 mins

    1 jeu de planning poker par participant

    Présentez , les uns après les autres, les différents noms de chien et faites voter les participants via les cartes d’estimation. (ne montrez pas de photos, il faut juste que vous connaissiez les chiens)

    – Chihuahua – C’est le plus petit des chiens et devrait être l’estimation de référence. Les autres chiens devraient être estimés par rapport à celui-ci.
    – Grand danois – Les estimations devraient être très grande
    – Golden Retriever – Les estimations devraient être moyennes ou grandes
    – Caniche – Les participants devraient demander plus d’informations avant de voter (ie : grand caniche, caniche moyen, caniche nain, caniche toy).
    – Terre-neuve – Ce chien est moins connu, ceux qui ne le connaissent pas ne devraient pas voter mais devraient poser des questions.
    – Guildenbaur Australien – C’est un piège, ce chien n’existe pas et aucune estimation de devraient être donnée.

    Objectif pédagogique
    – Cet exercice permet aux participants de se familiariser avec le jeu de poker planning;
    – Les personnes qui estiment ne doivent pas être influencées par les autres;
    – Les sujets doivent être dimensionnés par rapport aux autres en utilisant une unité de temps approximative (nébuleuse);
    – Les personnes ne doivent pas voter pour des sujets qu’elles ne comprennent pas ou ne maîtrisent pas. Elles doivent demander des clarifications ou ne pas voter du tout si ce n’est pas leur domaine.

  2. Interesting idea, but I don’t think you have expressed it as clearly as you might have.

    On first read I thought the dogs were the planning poker options rather than the stories.

  3. Javid,

    The idea of having unknown animals is to have people thinking about it.
    When we start working on a software, we receive a list of requirements that we have never heard about it. So we need to ask and collaborate to get the needed knowledge to work and estimate with more accuracy.

  4. This seems like an unnecessarily complicated derivative of using simple numbers or blocks to show relative size. Unless the entire team is made up of dog-lovers who know the different types of dogs and their relative sizes, why confuse things. I would definitely never introduce a team to planning poker with this model.

    If you want to get cutesy, then well-known animals would be better: ant, spider, mouse, dog, horse, elephant.

  5. Hi Russell,

    Thanks for your comment!
    No, I do not ever show pictures of the dogs. Although, I just realized that the write-up does not make that clear. I will update it.
    It works better when voters are just giving their best guess at the relative size based on their current knowledge. This makes it easier to correlate to software features. I also like it when I get people voting on the poodle based on their initial assumptions (toy vs. standard). The votes expose the assumptions, so we clarify and re-vote. Having pictures of the poodle would make it harder to expose this.
    With lesser known dogs, like the Newfoundland, some voters will actually google the dog in order to show others what it looks like before the re-vote. Again, a picture would prevent this.

    I totally agree that relative sizing should be a learning point. I don’t know why I missed it. I’ll update that too!

    Thanks for the great feedback Russell!


  6. Hi Folks, I have a few questions about the doggy planning game:

    – Do you need to show actual pictures of the dogs or do you just need story cards with the dogs names?
    – I guess another learning point is that the game emphasises the relative size aspect of story points

    Thanks for making this resource available.

    Kind Regards


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