Daily scrum game

Timing: 45 minutes Materials: Sticky notes (3 different colours), cards,marker, table, tape. Instructions: Initial setup: divide the table into 2 section using tape, one section called “To do” the other “Done”. Prepare some sticky notes and place them on the “To do” area. You should have 3 groups each a different colour, don’t need to be the same number of sticky notes each. Every participant has…

Let’s Take a Journey Retrospective

Timing: 1 Hour Materials: Journey Line template and a white board. Instructions: Select a Time Frame to cover (for this particular retrospective it’s better suited to cover longer periods of time: past release, last few iterations, etc,). Individual Reflection. Have individuals draw their journey line over the given timeframe on the template provided, annotating highs and lows (Demonstrate on Whiteboard). 5-10 minutes. Pair Share. Have each member…

The kanban silly tasks gameEl juego de tareas ridículos de kanban

              In this game, you will learn and experience the lean principles and the use of the kanban board. You will experience the problems with delayed tasks and long feedback loops, frequent task switching, the possibilities of reducing different types of waste, WIP limits, and the pull principle. Timing: Expected time to run game including prep and debrief 1 hour…

Gameception / Abduction – The team game that creates itself!Gameception / Abduction– The team game that creates itself!Gameception / Abduction– The team game that creates itself!Gameception / Abduction– The team game that creates itself!Gameception / Abduction– The team game that creates itself!

Gameception is a cooperative game of creativity and fun. We found it’s a fun way of getting people to think out of the box. Furthermore it can explain what happens when you throw 3 sentence user stories to a team and not refine them. You can also use it several times in a team this way it will really be a game the team created itself.

Company Profile

Timing: it’s up to you! Instructions: First and most important, it’s about working with people who, even though they may not share the agile mindset and the fundamental principles of what we are trying to promote, they do have the courage and confidence to help us realize when we have obviously departed from our own path. In “Joy at Work”, I came across another tool I found extremely…